Police recall guidance that includes Extinction Rebellion - Lead Commissioner comment

Lead Commissioner comment on Police extremism guidance that includes Extinction Rebellion.
Lead Commissioner comment on Police extremism guidance that includes Extinction Rebellion.
Sara Khan, Lead Commissioner for the Commission for Countering Extremism, said: “Today we are again reminded of the threat we face from terrorism. My heart goes out to the victims, their loved ones and all those affected by the horrific …
Sara thanks those who contributed to the Commission's work in a speech to mark the launch of a new report Challenging Hateful Extremism
We have published 17 academic papers on extremism
The Commission has published a new report called Challenging Hateful Extremism
Ahead of our report launch, catch up on the papers we released over the summer
Sara Khan welcomes the appointment of Lord Carlile to lead the independent review of Prevent.
Commission releases academic papers on what causes extremism, extremism online and how to respond to extremism.
Commission for Countering Extremism publishes statistics from its call for evidence and five peer-reviewed academic papers on the Far Right and Far Left
Sara Khan issues statement in support of groups receiving BSBT funding and challenging extremism.
This blog has the latest information and updates from the independent Commission for Countering Extremism. It includes details on our progress and plans, who we’re engaging with, media statements, and comments from the Commissioner, Robin Simcox.
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